

Find the best cruises Deals with cruises experts: Cheap Luxury Cruises on the Rhine River, from Germany to the Netherlands

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Find the best cruises Deals with cruises experts:  Cheap Luxury Cruises on the Rhine River, from Germany to the Netherlands

Enjoy Europe the Luxury Rhine River cruises
Enjoy Europe the Luxury Rhine River cruises
Europe Cruises & Luxury Cruises In Switzerland, Austria,
Liechtenstein, Germany, France, Netherlands

Luxury Rhine River cruises charming natural beauty

Since the Treaty of Vienna in 1815, the length of the Rhine was determined (1,230 km) and adopted as an international waterway, and the river was also one of the leading transport routes in Europe.

The Rhine River has been an example of the great rivers of the political and cultural unification of Europe since the Rhine Valley was incorporated into the Roman Empire. The river was also recorded in literature, especially in Germany, as in the famous epic (Nibelungenlied).

The Rhine River has great importance as a waterway that passes between 5 European countries (Switzerland, Austria, Liechtenstein, Germany, France, Netherlands), for its charming natural beauty, and for its historical importance in Europe and  Germany, where many German and French historical castles are located on the banks of the river.

For 400 years, it was the main border between the Romans and the Germanic tribes, and there are several German and French cities on its west banks. 

For this reason, there were many wars and conflicts between Germany and France. Every country wanted to control the sources of the river, and this conflict remained until the end of the second world war.

The Back Rhine River, front of the Rhine River, Upper Rhine, the Middle Rhine, and Lower Rhine

Enjoy Europe the Luxury Rhine River cruises
Enjoy Europe the Luxury Rhine River cruises

the front of Rhine River and The Back Rhine (Vorderrhein-Hinterrhein)

The front of the Rhine River in the northeast of Lake Tomasi in the northwestern region of the Lepontini Alps in Grisons in Switzerland and flows 75.6 km before joining The Back Rhine River near the Swiss city of Reichenau, which is the point at which the river is officially known as the Rhine.Then it extends from Reichenau to the north through the Great Rhine Valley, which takes the shape of a horseshoe for a distance of approximately 90 km.

 Upper Rhine 

 After that, the course of the river runs on the border between Switzerland and Liechtenstein and then on the border separating Switzerland from Austria, then it heads to Lake Constance after entering Austria, a lake that is divided into three lakes located within the scope of Switzerland, Germany, and Austria, then flowing towards the west, away From the lake, this part of the river is called the upper Rhine, and then the river falls 22.86 meters, forming the Rhine waterfall, the river then reaches the city of Basel in Switzerland and turns to the north, after that, it crosses the border between France and Germany to then head to the Netherlands

The Upper Rhine is of great importance as it plays a major role in controlling the floods that may occur in the Middle and Lower Rhine  .

The Middle Rhine

-The Middle Rhine Between Bingen and Bonn is located in Germany across the Rhine Strait, which is about 130 meters deep. Divided into two parts: The Upper Central Rhine, which flows from Bingen towards Koblenz, runs for about 593 km. The Lower Central Rhine, which flows from Koblenz to Bonn, goes to a distance of 655 km.

The Lower Rhine River

-The Lower Rhine River Sage flows into the Rhine in Bonn, and there this great river turns into the Lower Rhine, where it falls from a distance of 50 meters to a distance of 12 meters, and the river penetrates the North Rhine and Westphalian regions.Then the Rhine passes through the Ruhr region and the city of Duisburg, which is one of the most important cities in Germany and which has the largest river port in Europe, and the river also passes through several other large cities such as Cologne and Düsseldorf.In this region, several rivers flow into the Rhine, such as the Ruhr and the Leibe.

Rhine Delta

- Rhine Delta, together with the Meuse and the Schelde River, constitute the largest river delta in Europe, with an area of 25,347 square kilometers.It is located in the Netherlands and starts near the Dutch-German border near the town of Meiringen a der Rhein.This delta is the most important natural area in the Netherlands, and it is called the Rhine-Meuse-Schilde delta, and there the river is divided into a number of sections, including Lake Wawall.

The importance of the Rhine in Germany

The importance of the Rhine in Germany is a navigable river by ocean-going ships, through which goods such as coal, grains, timber, and iron ore are transported between different countries, and it is one of the main ports of the North Sea.

In 1992 the Rhine-Danube Canal was established, and it is the link between the North Sea and the Black Sea, as it allows battleships to pass between them.

Tourists from all over the world are always interested in making a river cruise on the Rhine.  Therefore, we find that most of the tourist programs to visit European attractions have a river cruise on the Rhine.

 Interesting facts about the Rhine:

Enjoy Europe the Luxury Rhine River cruises
Enjoy Europe the Luxury Rhine River cruises

1- The location of the Rhine River due to the length of the Rhine, and its passage in five major European countries, as it is used for the transportation of coal, oil derivatives, grains, and minerals.

2- Its connection with other European rivers is no less important, such as the Rhone River, the Danube, and the Marne. The Rhine is considered one of the most important European rivers of all.

 3- There is no other river in the world with many ancient and famous cities along its banks such as Basel, Switzerland, Strasbourg, France, Worms, Main and Cologne Germany, and many others.

4- There are many heritage sites registered with UNESCO, such as the old quarters and fortress of Luxembourg, the Great House of Belgium, the houses of the Greater Victorhorta, the Plantin Moretus Museum, the Dutch defense line, and the perimeter of the seventeenth-century canal.

the German Cathedral of Speyer, the Palace of Wauberg, the Roman ruins, the town of Bamberg, the Cologne Cathedral, the Upper Middle Rhine Valley,

 5 - The Middle Rhine Valley  in Germany

The basin of the Middle Rhine has been a major tourist attraction since the nineteenth century, and it gained its place on the UNESCO World Heritage Site list in 2002 for passing more than 40 medieval castles and fortresses.

6-The Carnival on the Rhine

On 11.11 and exactly at 11 and 11 minutes, the Carnival season begins in the Rhine region, and the cities on the banks of the Rhine turn into a colorful sea of people disguised in different clothes.

The "Hobeditz" character is revived in Düsseldorf on November 11 at 11 and 11 minutes every year, when a prominent member of the Carnival embodies the character on this day.

On Ash Wednesday, a cloth doll representing this character is cremated at a large funeral ceremony.

The giant heads of "Schwellköpp" are a hallmark of the Mainz Carnival. During street celebrations, they participate in carnival parades and mingle with people

7-The Rhine River tells of many German myths, such as the myth of the Mermaid (Lorelei), which sometimes appears to sailors and river cruisers, at the (Lorelei) rocky slope, so it is the reason for the disappearance of these sailors' ships, in which many European myths are linked to the river.

8- Among the most famous places on the Rhine River, the Rock "Drachenfels", near Bonn.

According to the legend of Nibelung:

Siegfried fought the dragon who was guarding the princess who was trapped there, Siegfried defeats the dragon, frees the princess, and returns her to her parents in Worms.

9- The River Rhine was the source of inspiration for many artists, including the English landscape painter William Turner, who drew inspiration for his paintings from the romanticism of the Rhine.

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